Nothing brings you back down to earth faster than climbing into the thin air. Escape the rat race and jump off the grid into one of the most beautiful and unexpected wildernesses you've ever experienced. Climb from the high desert into the high alpine and all that nature has to offer in between.

RPM believes in getting out into nature and enjoying the pure beauty of the land. We are the stewards of this majestic expanse and we believe the best way to preserve that magic is for more people to experience it for themselves and fall in love with what we already have.

Ride Pryor Mountain

Ride Pryor Mountain
Can i trailer the machine?
-NO! We do not allow trailering of the machines but we do have multiple dropoff locations available.
Do I need any permits to ride?
-Yes you will need a valid driver's license and a Montana Conservation License. Our machines are all equipped with an OHV license already.
Conservation License Costs
Resident Cost: $8
Youth 12-17 Resident Cost: $4
Senior 62+ Resident Cost: $4
Nonresident Cost: $10
Is there a damage deposit?
-Yes. a $1000 damage deposit will be placed on a credit card for the duration of the rental. YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGES TO THE MACHINES DURING YOUR RENTAL! Any damages will be deducted from this deposit and subsequent charges will be applied should damages exceed $1000. There is also additional insurance you can purchase to cover damages that exceed the $1000 hold.
Are helmets provided?
-Yes, RPM provides helmets free of charge for any drivers or riders that would like them. RPM requires helmets for anyone under the age of 16.
Is there cell service in the Pryor Mountains?
-There are some spots that you can get service but don't count on having any. It is important that if you are using a GPS tracking app that you open the app before losing service if you want to know your location on the map.
Can I drive off trail?
NO! Custer National Forest and any BLM land has strict guidelines for motorized vehicles. There are tons and tons of trails to ride. Stay on trail and don't be that guy that ruins it for everyone else!
Are there camping sites available in the Pryor's?
There are lots of opportunities for camping in the Pryor Mountains. Sage Creek Campground is the only developed campground but you will find locations all over the range. The roads however are very weather sensitive and very rough. Be wary if you are trying to tow in a camper. Follow the link for more info! https://pryormountains.org/welcome-to-the-pryors/camping
If you are looking for more of a glamping experience, consider a stay at the Wild Bison Ranch just outside Bridger. https://www.wildbisonranch.com/about/
Are there any places to stay in Bridger?
Acomodations are limited in Bridger but RPM is working on opening up more options for adventurers. There is one small hotel. The Botts hotel in Joliet isn't too far away. There is at least one VRBO in town and another on the mountain. And again, if you are looking for a fun experience check out the Wild Bison Ranch for riverside tents. https://www.wildbisonranch.com/about/
Can I drive to the Pryor Mountain Wild Horse Range?
YES! It will be a long drive but worth every minute and youll see spectacular views all the way there. Download a GPS map so you know where you are going! There are several ways to access it.
What if I get stuck?
The easiest answer to this one is just DON'T! Many parts of the mountains do not have cell service and you might be in for one heck of a hike if you do stick it! As a rule of thumb, the higher you are, the better chance you have for service. RPM does offer recovery for a flat fee of $300 for the first 2 hours including travel plus an additional $100 per hour thereafter but better to just be smart! The machines are pretty capable and you'll have to have put yourself in a pretty nasty situation to stick them. Be smart and avoid "hold my beer" moments and you'll have a great time.
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Will I really find a dinosaur bone if I go on the Dinosaur Dig?
Yes! We can't promise you will uncover a T-Rex on your first afternoon out but The Boneyard has an abundance of fragments of Cretaceous era bones. Even kids will easily find fragments of bone that have weathered out of the dirt. In addition, new material is uncovered with every storm that blows through. A variety of triceratops, ancients turtle shell fragments and tons of petrified wood are just a few of the discoveries that have been made and we are sure there are many more just waiting beneath the surface.
Is there anywhere I can fish in the Pryors?
Sage Creek Campground will be one of the few accessible locations to fish.
A valid Montana fishing license is required. The rugged terrain and spring fed nature of most of the creeks doesn't offer a ton of opportunities. The majority of the areas you could fish are private property and cannot be accessed. Respect land owners and stick to the campground. But the good news is, if you are lucky enough to catch one, you'll have caught one of the purest strains of Cutthroat in the state! Sage creek has no inlet and it runs underground shortly after it enters Bowler flats so it is an untouched ecosystem!
Are there any amenities in the Pryors?
Nope. Unless you count spectacular vistas, unmatched starry skies and a rainbow of colored rocks! This is one of the most remote, most rugged, most beautiful pieces of Montana you'll ever experience, but get everything you need before you leave Bridger and pack it all back out with you to make sure it stays that way! There is one restroom at Sage Creek Campground and another if you drive all the way to the lake.
Are there rattlesnakes in the mountains?
YES! It is important to be snake aware, particularly in the lower elevations where the sage brush is prolific. Pay attention to your surroundings and watch children and pets closely. You'll often see snakes sunning themselves in the roadways. Most are bull snakes but you'll stumble upon the occasional Rattler.
Will we see wildlife in the Pryors?
Yes! There is an abundance of wildlife in the Pryors. During the summer months black bears frequent the area and sightings of wolves, big horn sheep and elk are not out of the question. You'll likely see deer and you'll probably never see the Mountain Lions that frequent the area. If you pay attention and listen closely, you may encounter one of the species of hummingbird that call the Pryor's home as well as a multitude of other birds and raptors. Be aware that the Pryors are home to many cattle throughout the year that graze the pastures so be respectful and watch for them in the roadways.
Should I carry bear spray?
Bear deterrents are never a bad idea if you know how to properly use them. Paying attention and not traveling into the woods alone are a couple of your best deterrents. You are a visitor to their home. Be careful, be vigilant and be respectful. Take photos from afar and make a wide berth around any cubs, or mother's with cubs.
Who are the Little People of the Pryors?
Ah the Little People. Well if you've got a propensity for stories of cryptozoology, the Pryor's have a doozy! The legend of the Little People of the Pryors is a story that is deeply ingrained in the history and the folklore of the Crow and the Nez Perce. If you like ghost stories that will have you watching over your shoulder, read up on it a little. It makes one heck of a campfire story on a dark starry night. There are not many that have spent a lot of time in the Pryors that don't have at least one story to tell.
Can I find arrowheads in the Pryors?
The Pryor Mountains were known to the indigenous tribes as the "hitting rock mountains" because of the abundance of flint found there that the Native Americans would use to make arrowheads. You can still find may arrowheads in the area today. Occasionally you'll even find one carved from obsidian which is not natural to the area. These artifacts were brought to the area from Yellowstone and other places and traded with the local tribes. But REMEMBER!!! It is illegal and unethical to collect artifacts on public lands, so enjoy your finds, but leave them where they lay. Arrowhead collecting is however legal on private property so if that is what you are after, RPM has a large off road park spanning nearly 1000 acres that you can explore just to the southwest of the Pryors near the Bobcat Pass Recreational area. So ask "where is Dirt, Montana" at your checkin to be directed on where to go.
Are there pictographs in the Pryors?
YES! But they are hard to find in the mountainous regions. If you are looking to find some pictographs check out "The Valley of the Chiefs" just west of our private off road park along Cottonwood Rd. This spectacular hike takes you through some of the most unique rock formations you've ever seen and hosts THE most prolific collection of pictographs in all of North America.
Are there lots of places to hike?
Yes! There are countless trails in the Pryors and many are only accessible as a hike or on horseback. The Big Ice Cave is a short hike and there is another large ice cave that is only accessible by foot with a long uphill hike as well as many many trails including the ones that will take you on the search for the reknowned agates in the area in the Dryhead and Bear Canyon.